Combined Flow: Uniform and Source/Sink Flow

Now we can try to combine two elementary flows using the principle of superposition. We will combine a uniform flow at zero angle of attack (\alpha = 0) with a source flow (\Lambda > 0). For brevity, only the loop where the velocity components are computed for this combined flow are shown in the code. The Cartesian velocity components are shown below.

(1)   \begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} V_x &= V_\infty\cos\left(\alpha\right) +\frac{\Lambda\left(X_\text{P}-X_0\right)}{2\pi r_\text{P}^2} \\[2pt] V_y &= V_\infty\sin\left(\alpha\right) +\frac{\Lambda\left(Y_\text{P}-Y_0\right)}{2\pi r_\text{P}^2} \end{aligned} \end{equation*}

for i = 1:1:numX
    for j = 1:1:numY
        x       = XX(i,j);
        y       = YY(i,j);
        dx      = x - X0;
        dy      = y - Y0;
        r       = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2);
        Vx(i,j) = Vinf*cosd(alpha) + ((lambda*dx)/(2*pi*r^2));
        Vy(i,j) = Vinf*sind(alpha) + ((lambda*dy)/(2*pi*r^2));
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The only difference between this code and the others we have looked at is that V_x and V_y are equal to the sum of the uniform flow and source flow solutions. The resulting flow field can be seen in Fig. 1. The circulation is computed the same way as before, and results again in a value nearly zero (\Lambda = 5.69315 \times 10^{-16}), which makes sense because we still have no vortex in this flow (no source of circulation).

Figure 1: Uniform and source flow, with the blue line showing the curve used for the circulation integral.

You will need the COMPUTE_CIRCULATION.m function to be located in the same directory to run this script.


You will need the function to be located in the same directory to run this script.

Note: I can’t upload “.py” files, so this is a “.txt” file. Just download it and change the extension to “.py”, and it should work fine.

One Reply to “Combined Flow: Uniform and Source/Sink Flow”

  1. Hey Josh,

    How would the velocity components to a 3D point source centered at the origin look in cartesian coordinates? This would help me out big time as I think I’m deriving it incorrectly! Thank you in advance

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